Nondiscrimination Statement and Policies


UCNJ is committed to environments for all students, employees 和游客 that are free from discrimination and harassment. In accordance with State and Federal law, UCNJ不歧视并禁止基于下列受保护阶层和/或特征的歧视, in all of its programs and activities, including but not limited to employment, 促销活动, 招生, and access to all career and technical programs:

  1. 竞赛;
  2. 信条;
  3. 颜色;
  4. 性;
  5. 性别;
  6. 怀孕;
  7. Gender Identity or Expression;
  8. 国家起源;
  9. 国籍;
  10. 年龄;
  11. 血统;
  12. Marital Status, Domestic Partnership, or Civil UCNJ Status;
  13. 宗教;
  14. Affection or Sexual Orientation;
  15. Atypical hereditary Cellular or Blood Trait;
  16. 遗传信息;
  17. Liability for Military Service;
  18. 受保护退伍军人身份;
  19. 精神或身体残疾(包括自认残疾、艾滋病和艾滋病毒相关疾病);
  20. Harassment (related to any of the forgoing categories);
  21. Retaliation for filing a complaint of, or participating in an investigation of discrimination; and
  22. Any other category protected by law.

学院致力于为所有员工提供平等的就业和教育机会, students and applicants in accordance with this policy. 联合保护区设法维持一种没有任何形式的骚扰和恐吓的气氛, 包括性骚扰. 每个学院员工和学生都有责任遵守这一平权行动政策. 学院还致力于为残疾或残障人士提供合理的便利. 为了提交正式的平权行动申诉,请参阅本学生手册中的申诉部分. For more information or to submit an affirmative action complaint, please 联系学生教务处 and/or UCNJ’s Affirmative Action Officer.

Consensual Amorous Relationships
这项政策禁止教职员工与学生之间双方同意的恋爱关系,无论教职员工处于专业或监督责任的位置. 当教师或工作人员目前处于做出或影响与学生教育有关的决定或授予或扣留利益的位置时,她或工作人员具有专业或监督责任, employment or campus sponsored activity. This includes but it is not limited to 工作人员 and student, 教师和学生, 教练和球员, 主管和学生工作者, and advisor and advisee relationships. 虽然这项政策并不禁止教师和工作人员在没有当前专业或监督责任的情况下与学生发生双方自愿的恋爱关系, the College strongly discourages such relationships. 在直接指导学生的同时与学生建立双方同意的关系的教职员工必须向他/她的直接主管披露这一关系.

根据第九条, no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, 在接受联邦财政援助的任何教育项目或活动中被剥夺福利或受到歧视. 第九条 does not only protect athletes in the higher education system. 它还保护所有因性别而受到骚扰或歧视的学生. 如果你认为自己目睹了某种形式的性别歧视,与他人交谈是很重要的. 证人也受到第九条的保护,有权提出投诉和报告事件. To submit a complaint or for more information, contact the Affirmative Action Officer, the Dean of 学生 or the Dean of 大学生活.

Sexual assault is a serious offense. 任何性侵犯他人的个人都将受到学院的纪律处分程序和任何相关的州或联邦法规的约束. 性侵犯包括, 但不限于, actual or attempted nonconsensual or forcible sexual touching, 包括爱抚, 接吻, 摸索, 企图性交, and or penetration with an object. Sexual assault can be perpetrated by someone known or unknown, 包括一个熟人, 配偶, 合作伙伴, 日期, 相对, 朋友还是陌生人, 男性或女性. Rape is nonconsensual intercourse with any victim male or female. A victim may not be able to give consent due to intoxication, infancy or any other impairment of will. 确保性骚扰受害者的需求得到满足,确保新泽西州的学院和大学建立和维持支持人类尊严的社区, 加州大学新泽西分校采纳了新泽西州制定的《365bet》. 有关学院为性骚扰受害者提供的资源的更多信息,请与学生处主任联系, 危机咨询师, or the Affirmative Action Officer.

To report sexual assault or violation call:
• Cranford Campus (908) 709 7152
• Elizabeth Campus (Lessner) (908) 965-6070
• Elizabeth Campus (Kellogg) (908) 659-5159
• Plainfield Campus (908) 412-3595
• Scotch Plains Campus (908) 709-0268
• College Wide Emergency (908) 709-0268

所有学生都有权享受不受歧视的环境,包括性骚扰. UCNJ的政策是,基于性别/性别的骚扰是不可接受的行为,这种行为将不会以任何方式得到容忍. Sexual discrimination is prohibited by the New Jersey Law against discrimination, 1964年《365bet》第九章和《365bet》第七章及其修正案. It is against the policy of the College for any student, 教职员工或雇员,男性或女性,通过不受欢迎的性挑逗或性恩惠的要求,性骚扰大学社区的另一名成员, 或从事其他不受欢迎的言语或身体行为的性性质造成恐吓, hostile or offensive environment by such conduct, 不管一个人的意图如何. 例子包括, but are not limited to the following; unwelcome sexual propositions, graphic statements about a person’s body; display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; remarks or innuendos with a sexually demeaning implication, 不受欢迎的触摸, 拍, or other physical contact; gender based humor; suggesting or demanding unwelcome sexual involvement which may include implied or explicit threats or sexual abuse including forced conduct. 任何被性骚扰的学生都可以提交正式的申诉. Please consult the grievances section in the student handbook. For more information or to file an affirmative action complaint, please 联系学生教务处 and/or the Affirmative Action Officer.

Violence Against Women Act – VAWA
The UCNJ community adamantly condemns all acts of violence on campus, 包括性侵犯, 家庭暴力, 跟踪, 约会暴力. All incidents of sexual violence, 无论是由受害者还是旁观者举报,都将立即报告给当地警察局,并由相应的学院官员进行积极调查。.

Sexual offenses (whether forcible or non-forcible), 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, and 跟踪 violate the criminal law and College regulations. 任何举报的违规行为将通过法律途径和/或既定的学院纪律程序迅速处理. If you experience any form of sexual misconduct, 国内, 约会暴力 and or 跟踪, 学院的目标是结束不当行为,防止其发生,并解决其影响. In reporting activities that constitute a crime, 应尽快与犯罪发生地的当地警方取得初步联系. 学生, 工作人员, 教师, 游客和商业伙伴可以选择通知公共安全办公室,他们将通知当地警方. 举报违规行为, 联系学生教务处, 位于克兰福德校区的平权行动官员或学院生活主任.

For more information or to submit a complaint contact:


Associate Vice President, 政府

All complaints of discrimination, including those concerning 第九条, 第504节, and the ADA should be directed to 文森特Lotano

Ms. 凯伦Cimorelli
Director of Universal Accessibility Services & 退伍军人事务部

All requests for accommodations from UCNJ students, pursuant to 第504节 or the ADA, 应直接向. Cimorelli

Employee, Guest, and 访问or Disability Accommodation Requests

Associate Vice President, 政府

All requests for accommodations from UCNJ employees, 客人, 和游客, pursuant to 第504节 or the ADA, should be directed to 文森特Lotano, the 第504节 Administrator and ADA Coordinator. 所有问题, other than student accommodation requests and complaints, also may be directed to 文森特Lotano.